Thursday 22 December 2011

Nail Extension Deals

A good deal of nail extension is truly hard to find these days. After all, who would want extenders for nails on a daily basis? But really, there are actually situations when extensions to the nails are needed, and they are situations that when they happen, the person would regret not having been prepared in the first place.

Extending the nail’s length is first and foremost an artistic move of the person, composed mostly of women, who consider their nails as part of their physical makeup of beauty. Having long nails would mean pretty hands, since the nails were able to thrive and grow in such a particular length of time. Many women have in fact developed concern on having long nails, since coloring them would prove to be enhancer of physical beauty. Well, nail extension have solved such dilemma.

These kinds of special paraphernalia for women could only be found in select places, considering that not everyone would have the luxury to check on them. There have also been many avenues where nail extensions have been found to be indispensably useful. The people from the entertainment industry flaunt their long, colored nails whenever they go out in public, although not directly, of course. They have subtle ways of showing to the rest of the world that they are undeniably noticeable, even with just their nails to show.

Nail extensions are also at their best when they are painted on. Many nail polishes today have already improved with their colors and styles, with some even having glitters in their content. Brushing colored nail polishes on the surface of long nails would create a dramatic effect on the nails, making the wearer more attractive and artistic. This aesthetic move has been the feat of many patrons of longer nails. To them, the longer the nails are, the prettier you will be. But of course, this has to mean the well-cleaned, maintained and manicured set of nails.

So yeah, it’s true that not everyday one gets to have longer nails. But some days, the wearer just needs to have nails that are long enough for a particular purpose. Whether such purpose is for personal inclination or theatrical acts, nail extensions do find their place of personal contribution to the world.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Acrylic Nail – Vanity or Good Grooming?

Before the discovery of acrylic nail, people just went to a nail salon to get their regular manicure and pedicure. If you wanted to be creative and wanted your personality to shine through your nails, you would ask your nail attendant to put on whatever nail polish color fits your style. If you are laid back chances are you would go for the earth tones – brown, tan and the likes. If you are somebody who is daring and loves bright colors, then the sky is the limit in terms of choosing a nail polish.

Now, going to a beauty salon for nail treatment isn’t only limited to the usual manicure and pedicure. You can go for a hand spa, foot spa, foot scrub, acrylic nail and the list goes on. Others would argue that going for these types of nail treatment is purely vanity. They say that you don’t really need to have all these when you can just push your cuticle gently, apply cuticle remover, brush and buff and off you go.

On the other hands, those who go for these kinds of nail treatment also argue that it is not about vanity at all. According to them nail care is all about good grooming. This is especially true if you are working and are dealing with customers. For them, the state of your nails will greatly reflect on how you take care of your body.

For me it is a little bit of both. Who doesn’t want clean and well maintained nails? If having an acrylic nail gives me the satisfaction of feeling well groomed while making my nails look beautiful, then why not?

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